Jul 6, 2020

The Shoprite Group, South Africa's largest private-sector employer, has opened bursary applications for the 2021 academic year.
With thousands of stores across 15 countries and more than 147 000 employees, the Group is a fast-paced, technologically-advanced company at the forefront of retail innovation. Most recently it was the first retailer in South Africa to launch virtual vouchers and contactless QR payments in direct response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Group invests in students acquiring skills relevant to its business and it is specifically offering bursaries for the following fields of study:
Accounting (1st and 2nd year)
Pharmacy (1st year)
Retail Business Management (all years)
Each bursary comes with a work-back agreement to deepen learning with a strong practical element to gain hands-on experience in the business.
- Lungile Koti, the Group’s Graduate Recruitment Manager
Students with a 60% aggregate or higher are encouraged to apply for the Group’s bursary programme by visiting the Bursary and Graduate Opportunities page before 30 September 2020.
To find out more about the Group’s bursary and graduate opportunities, be sure to attend the first VirtualGradExpo on 21 July, 29 July and 13 August 2020.