7 June 2018
Turmeric has been a part of Surya Singh's life for as long as she can remember. Today this retired receptionist’s business, Turmeric Tonic, supplies Golden Lattes to all 120 Checkers coffee shops across South Africa.
“Turmeric, or hurdee in Hindi, has been a part of Indian cooking and the Indian system of medication, Ayurveda, for thousands of years.”
- Surya Singh, Turmeric Tonic founder

Hurdee milk, a drink made with milk, turmeric and ginger, was something she always gave her children whenever they were sick. It is also a staple health drink in Indian homes. When her children were growing up, she would apply turmeric powder to their cuts and small wounds, and it helped speed up the healing process.
“Then my children told me they were too busy to make turmeric milk every day and I knew I had to come up with an easy way to get them to have more turmeric. That’s why I created the Golden Latte,” Singh explains.
Since retiring 15 years ago, Surya has been trying to start her own business.
“I'm proof that you're never too old for success. With the help of my daughters, I started Turmeric Tonic and within the first year we landed a huge order from Checkers. Rapidly increasing our production capacity has been challenging, but successfully establishing and growing a small business is a dream come true."
- Surya Singh