Dec 6, 2017

Checkers’ Limited Edition Luxury Fruit and Nut Topped Christmas Cake was voted the best Christmas cake in South Africa by both the Sunday Times and Fairlady Magazine.
In the latest Sunday Times Food Awards, an independent panel consisting of 42 enthusiastic Sunday Times readers put a selection of ready-made Christmas cakes from various retailers to the test in a blind tasting, resulting in Checkers taking the first place with its locally baked decadent Christmas cake – with real butter, brandy, dark chocolate bits and citrus peel. The Christmas cakes were rated on price, appearance, taste and fruitiness.
Fairlady magazine, through their Test House, tested a number of Christmas products and named Checkers’ Luxury Christmas Cake as the ‘Best Buy’ in their Jewelled Fruitcakes category.
So head out to your nearest Checkers to round off your festive feast and indulge in one of the decadent Christmas cakes from the exclusive Limited Edition range – the only Christmas cakes approved by SA’s top chefs.

Comments on the Christmas Cake:
– Daisy, Sunday Times
- Fairlady