Sep 29, 2014
In compliance with section 3.22 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, shareholders are advised as follows:
1. Integrated report
Further to Shoprite Holdings’ results for the 12 months to June 2014, released on SENS on 19 August 2014, the integrated report was posted today. The integrated report contains no modifications to the aforementioned published results. Due to the ongoing postal strike, delays may be experienced in the receipt of the
integrated report. Shareholders can contact Mr Pieter du Preez at 021 980 4279 to request an electronic version of the integrated report. In addition, the integrated
report is also available on the Company’s website, www.shopriteholdings.co.za.
2. Annual general meeting
The annual general meeting of the Shoprite Holdings shareholders will be held at 09:30 on Monday, 27 October 2014 at the Company`s registered office, Corner
William Dabs and Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell, South Africa, to transact the business as stated in the notice of the annual general meeting forming part of the integrated report.
3. Record date for the annual general meeting
The date on which shareholders must be recorded as such in the register maintained by the transfer secretaries of the Company for purposes of being entitled to attend and vote at the annual general meeting is determined in terms of section 59(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, being Friday, 17 October 2014.
Cape Town
29 September 2014