Oct 16, 2013
This Christmas you can help Checkers and Shoprite bring festive cheer to some of the many less fortunate children in South Africa by donating toys to the annual Toy for Toy campaign.
While most of us look forward to a cheerful Christmas with an abundance of gifts under beautifully decorated trees, many children in South Africa face a far bleaker Christmas. Checkers and Shoprite have therefore teamed up with The Nataniël Progress Project and BADISA for the Toy for Toy campaign that urges consumers to donate new or used toys to needy children. For every toy that consumers donate towards this campaign, Checkers and Shoprite will donate something too.
Through the public’s generosity during last year’s Toy for Toy campaign, Checkers and Shoprite were able to distribute more than 8500 toys amongst needy children across the country. To date, this campaign has seen almost 137 000 toys distributed to children in need.
From Tuesday, 15 October until Friday, 6 December all South African citizens can make a contribution by buying or bringing toys and placing them in the Toy for Toy trolleys in front of all Checkers, Checkers Hyper and Shoprite stores countrywide.
Let’s spread some Christmas cheer this festive season and bring a smile to the faces of needy children by collecting more toys than ever.